Activities & surroundings
Discover the area
Discover the plethora of opportunities available in the area surrounding the Bergvilla in Rankweil. Whether you prefer walking, exploring towns or discovering local culture, the Bergvilla is the ideal starting point for activities and attractions of all kinds.
Discover Feldkirch
Feldkirch: charming and steeped in history
Anyone visiting Feldkirch for the first time will be amazed. With its covered walkways and winding alleys which have defied the passing of time, it is a fascinating and magical old town steeped in history and exuding a real sense of flair: a place just calling out to be explored.
In the medieval town centre, one of the loveliest for miles around, you can admire historical buildings, attractive fountains and the ancient Schattenburg. The wide selection of shops, boutiques and numerous culinary establishments all invite you to linger; but a stroll though the green heart of Feldkirch, the Reichenfeld or the wildlife park are also not to be missed.
Walking in the surrounding area
The Bergvilla is located in the heart of stunning natural scenery. Discover its diversity by taking a stroll through the unspoilt natural countryside, or embark on some of the numerous walks beginning right outside the hotel door. The surrounding area offers a plethora of hiking opportunities.
Bregenz erleben
Auf engstem Raum kommen Kunst, Kultur, Architektur und Gastronomie zusammen. Die Bregenzer Festspiele finden jedes Jahr im Sommer auf dem See statt.
Bei einem Spaziergang am Hang sehen Sie nicht nur die österreichischen Nachtbarländer, Deutschland, Schweiz und Liechtenstein, sondern auch die historischen Häuser am Wegesrand, bei denen Sie das Gefühl haben in einem Museum zu sein.

Biking in Vorarlberg
The Feldkirch area is also a great starting point for mountain bike tours (Älpele, Gamp, Alpwegkopf, Hohe Kugel, Hoher Kasten, Pfälzer Hut etc.). Following intial short flat stretches (10-20 km) on the cycle track network the mountain chains to the east and west of the Walgau and the Rhine Valley are within easy reach. Another possibility is a day trip to Lake Constance.
Hohenems erleben
Die malerische, kleine Stadt Hohenems am Fuße des Schlossbergs ist ein wunderbares Erholungsgebiet in Vorarlberg. Die Stadt in Vorarlberg hat eine beeindruckte Geschichte. Die Burg Alt-Ems gehörte im 12. Jahrhundert zur größten Burganlage im süddeutschen Raum und die kulturelle und wirtschaftliche Impulse würden im 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert durch die jüdischen Ansiedlungen geprägt. Nicht nur die erste Druckerei, sondern auch das erste Kaffeehaus in Vorarlberg würde in Hohenems eröffnet.
Discover Dornbirn
Dornbirn is the largest town in Vorarlberg: an impressive place offering a great choice of leisure activities. The attractive town centre welcomes visitors with many fascinating traditional restaurants and bars, as well as a great selection of shops, museums, galleries and sporting facilities. Each year the town is host to a number of trade fairs and cultural events.